Visualizing Metadata

In this chapter, a brief overview of the distribution of metadata variables and how to visualize them is given.

The code examples is based on interacting with the MySQL database, but the code for the visualizations themselves can easily be made to run as long as you have the correct dataframe loaded.


The various settings that are sensitive are stored in a config.json file, but just change the settings to what fit your own setup.

import json
with open('../config.json', 'r') as source:
    config = json.load(source)

database=config['database'] # name of database
host=config['host'] # host address of MySQL server
port=config['port'] # port of MySQL server
user=config['user'] # user name
passwd=config['password'] # password for user 
dataDir=config['datadir'] # directory where data files are stored

Furthermore, let’s define the query_db function again.

import subprocess
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

def query_db(query, args=''):
    cmd = "mysql {} -e \"{}\"".format(args, query)
    p =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

    if p.returncode > 0:
        print("Failed to query database with error:")
        df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(p.stdout.decode()), sep='\t')
        return df
config <- fromJSON(file="../config.json")

database <- config$database # name of database
host <- config$host # host address of MySQL server
port <- config$port # port of MySQL server
user <- config$user # user name
passwd <- config$password # password for user 
dataDir <- config$datadir # directory where data files are stored

And import other libraries for retrieving data, manipulating and plotting:


Loading metadata

The metadata are available in either the MySQL table metadata or in TSV format in the file metadata.tsv and HDF5 format metadata.h5. Let’s load it from our MySQL database.

# Load the metadata from MySQL database
cli_args = f"--database={database} --host={host} --port={port} --user={user} --password={passwd}"
metadata = query_db("select * from metadata", args=cli_args)

metadata['collection_date'] = pd.to_datetime(metadata['collection_date'], errors='coerce')
metadata.loc[metadata['collection_date'] > '2020-01-01', 'collection_date'] = pd.NaT # cannot be later than this date

# combine host labels metagenome and metagenomes into one
metadata.loc[metadata['host'] == 'metagenomes', 'host'] = 'metagenome'
mydb = dbConnect(MySQL(), user=user, password=passwd, host=host, port=as.integer(port), dbname=database)
rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, "select * from metadata")
metadata = fetch(rs, n=-1) # retrieve all with n=-1

Some preprocessing is required before we look at the data:

metadata$collection_date <- as.Date(metadata$collection_date)
metadata[which(metadata$collection_date > '2020-01-01'), 'collection_date'] <- NA # cannot be later than this date

# combine host laels metagenome and metagenomes into one
metadata[which(metadata$host == 'metagenomes'), 'host'] <- 'metagenome'

Inspecting the metadata

There are a multitude of different metadata associated with each metagenomic dataset.

In the paper, we have looked at the distribution of samples according to the following columns: continent, host, collection_year (from the collection_date), number of trimmed reads vs mapped reads. So let’s replicate these figures.

Distribution of metagenomes per year

We first create the column collection_year from the collection_date column, and then we count the number of samples per year. Finally, we visualize these counts in a barplot.



Distribution of metagenomes per continent

This is a pretty similar process as for looking at the distribution of samples according to sampling year, instead we just look at the continent labels.



Distribution of metagenomes per host

This is a pretty similar process as for looking at the distribution of samples according to sampling year, instead we just look at the host labels.

NOTE: There are many host labels, so let us look at those with at least 1000 samples.

